
Johan Stokking
Co-founder and Tech Lead, The Things Network & CTO, The Things Industries
Johan Stokking is tech lead of The Things Network and CTO of The Things Industries. Johan started The Things Network in the summer of 2015, together with Wienke Giezeman. Within three years, the open network spread to 90 countries, covering over 700 cities globally.
Apart from his work on The Things Network and The Things Industries, Johan is a member of the LoRa Alliance technical committee and works on the specifications of LoRaWAN peering and Firmware Updates Over The Air.
- 08:45 – 09:15

Thomas Telkamp
Co-founder and CTO, Lacuna Space
Thomas Telkamp is CTO at Lacuna Space, which he co-founded with Rob Spurrett, a space industry veteran. He is a network and IoT architect who has been involved in building the backend infrastructure of The Things Network from the early days in 2015. Thomas is now helping out with the development of several projects based on LoRa technology.
- 12:05 – 12:35
LoRaWAN From Space: Gateways In Orbit

Luka Mustafa
Founder and CEO, Institute IRNAS
- 11:35 – 12:05
Specialised LoRaWAN applications – Drone assisted TTN deployment and mapping in remote areas

Dr. Tomaž Šuklje
- 12:35 – 12:50
microclimate.network – Open sensor platform for improved outdoor environment
- 15:00 – 18:20 // microclimate.network Info Point
Getting to know your MicroClimate sensor

Klemen Logar
Sales Director, Solvera Lynx
Mr. Logar is responsible to enhance and transfer industry leadership and best practices helping companies from various fields to accomplish primary energy management goals: holistic monitoring of energy efficiency performance and reduction of energy consumption.
“Sales and marketing are my passion because it brings new challenges on daily basis and every account is different therefor thinking out of the box is crucial for success. This drives me forward to go an extra mile to help customers in growing their business and profitability.” Klemen Logar
- 10:05 – 11:05
Panel Session – Successful LoRaWAN product stories and implementations: Low Power Wireless Technology Solutions for Energy Management in industry and facilities

Dejan Jancic
Managing Director and Chief Sales Officer, Pessl Instruments
Senior Executive Manager with hands on experience in Agriculture, Precision Farming, Chemical, Construction and IT Industry. Personally engaged in Startup Projects, International Business, Portfolio Management, Strategy, Sales, Marketing and IoT business.
Last several years active in various projects and assignments covering Serbia / CEE Region / Austria / Germany / Spain / Turkey / CIS countries / Middle East and APAC Countries. Presently engaged as Managing Director responsible for company expansion , visibility and Global sales.
- 10:05 – 11:05
Panel Session – Successful LoRaWAN product stories and implementations: Intelligent Agriculture: Integrated Crop Management & Weather Monitoring with LoRa

Matic Serc
CTO, Elmitel and eVineyard Product Owner
Matic Serc is a CTO of Elmitel and eVineyard product owner, responsible for overviewing the development of eVineyard’s functionalities.
Matic is a Master Engineer of Telecommunications with a long software development background, few years of experience in IoT field, and very involved in the Smart Agriculture field.
- 10:05 – 11:05

Valentin Rabaud
EMEA Sales Engineer, Kerlink Group
With background in electronics and radio technologies, his objective is to generalize the LoRa technology in three identified verticals : energy, tracking and agriculture.
- 09:15 – 09:35
Workshop mentors

Johan Stokking
Co-founder and Tech Lead, The Things Network & CTO, The Things Industries
Johan Stokking is tech lead of The Things Network and CTO of The Things Industries. Johan started The Things Network in the summer of 2015, together with Wienke Giezeman. Within three years, the open network spread to 90 countries, covering over 700 cities globally.
Apart from his work on The Things Network and The Things Industries, Johan is a member of the LoRa Alliance technical committee and works on the specifications of LoRaWAN peering and Firmware Updates Over The Air.
- 16:10 – 17:10 // Track A

Luka Mali
Lecturer and Researcher, Laboratory for Telecommunications, FE UL
Luka Mali holds the position of a senior research associate and lecturer at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory for Telecommunications. His current work focuses on Mobile and Wireless Networks, Low Power Wireless Networks, Connected Devices and IoT applications. He is head of MakerLab Ljubljana, the first open prototyping laboratory (FabLab) at University of Ljubljana. In his 15+ years career he co-founded multiple IoT Startups, where some of them ship 100,000+ IoT products annually. He is co-initiator of The Things Network Slovenia, the national public LoRaWAN sensor network and founder of the open education platform Colibri IoT.
- 15:00 – 16:00 // Track C
Colibri IoT – Open Arduino based IoT platform for Education – Group A
- 16:10 – 17:20 // Track C
Colibri IoT – Open Arduino based IoT platform for Education – Group B

Steve Roberts
Technical Director, RECOM group
Steve Roberts was born in England. He obtained a B.Sc. in Physics and Electronics at Brunel University, London before working at University College Hospital. He later moved to the Science Museum as Head of Interactives, where he completed his M.Sc. at University College, London.
Eighteen years ago he made his own personal Brexit and moved to Austria, becoming Technical Director for the RECOM group in Gmunden. He is the author of the RECOM DC/DC book of knowledge.
- 15:00 – 16:00 // Track B

Resin.io Team
Tim Perry, Tomislav Gudlek, Andreas Fitzek, Senior Software Engineers, Resin.io
- 15:00 – 16:00 // Track A
Build your own gateway with resin.io and RAK wireless

Nemanja Maksimović
CTO, WolkAbout
Since 2013, when we started the WolkAbout story, our CTO Max has been leading WolkAbout’s innovation efforts while managing the amazing product engineering team. This resulted in building WolkAbout IoT Platform on the architecture that’s reliable, scalable and future-proof.
- 17:20 – 18:20 // Track A
WolkAbout IoT Platform integration with The Things Network

Thomas Kupfer
Marketing Manager Emech Central Europe, Avnet Abacus
Thomas Kupfer’s professional background is a master of craftsmanship in radio- and TV technologies.
In the early Nineties he started his electronics distribution career with Farnell Electronic Components as product manager for electromechanics and passives.
After an 8 years long excursion to the television broadcast business, where he managed the engineering support department of a sports television plant, he returned back to his distribution roots by joining Deltron Components (a predecessor of Avnet Abacus) as senior product manager for electromechanics.
With the acquisition of Abacus by Avnet Thomas Kupfer took over the responsibility for Avnet’s marketing activities for electromechanics in Central Europe. With HMI trends moving forward to intuitive touch based systems, his focus has changed from classic electromechanic components like switches and relays to sensor solutions and wireless communication.
- 16:10 – 17:10 // Track B

Uroš Mali
- 17:20 – 18:20 // Track B

Valentin Rabaud
EMEA Sales Engineer, Kerlink Group
With background in electronics and radio technologies, his objective is to generalize the LoRa technology in three identified verticals : energy, tracking and agriculture.
- 17:20 – 18:20 // Track C