TTN in Academic Institutions in Developing Countries: Lessons learned

This talk will present the lessons learned from using TTN in workshops on IoT organized in academic institutions in Developing Countries. Many issues encountered have nothing to do with the technical aspects. Some success stories will be presented.

  • 13:00 - 15:00 • 16th April 2020

Marco Zennaro, PhD

Research Officer, ICTP
Marco Zennaro is a researcher at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy, where he coordinates the Telecommunications/ICT4D Laboratory. He received his PhD from the KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, and his MSc degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Trieste. His research interest is in ICT4D, the use of ICT for Development, and in particular he investigates the use of Internet of Things for Development (#IoT4D). He has organized more than 30 training activities on IoT in Developing Countries. Marco is a Visiting Professor at Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC) in Kobe, Japan.

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