LoRa Air Quality Sensor
IoT Use-cases – Lightning Talks
- 19:15 – 20:00 • 3rd October 2019
Scidrom outdoor air monitoring sensor has been designed as a learning platform for first steps into wonderful world of IoT. The device integrates sensors for detecting particulate matter contamination, air pressure, humidity, temperature, UV and visible light. On-board power management provides logic for automatic selection of power supply from mains, solar cell or lithium battery. Sensor stations are connected via LoRaWAN to the TTN and user frontend based on attractive Grafana charts.

Marko Pavlin
R&D Engineer, SCiDROM, School center Novo mesto
Marko is R&D engineer in company HYB developing new pressure sensors and works as a research associate at the Josef Stefan institute. His current work in the IoT area is focused on LoRa devices. He is a mentor at Scidrom Makerspace in School centre Novo mesto, where new IoT applications are developed together with the LoRa infrastructure.
SCiDROM is an idea incubator at School center Novo mesto, where they openly innovate in the field of electronics and computer science.